🇫🇷 Laura L. (élève adulte), 27 septembre, 2023
J’ai découvert le piano quand j’étais enfant et après 14ans savoir pratiqué, j’ai eu le projet de jouer en surprise un morceau de piano au mariage de frère jumeau. Une surprise pleine d’émotions et Bonnie m’a accompagné dans la concrétisation de ce projet avec une reprise ensemble et pour m’apporter l’aide et le soutien pour jouer « mariage d’amour » en public lors d’une journée spéciale. Reprendre pour ne plus avoir envie de s’arrêter. Merci à Bonnie pour ces moments ensembles
🇬🇧 Michael B. (adult student), 1 September, 2023
FIVE STARS. I have no hesitation in recommending Bonnie Brown as a tutor for all ages, including adults, and at all levels. Bonnie teaches with both patience and good humour; but also with complete professionalism. Lessons are not just about reading and playing the correct notes, but also broader musicianship, proper technique and posture, and making visible progress towards your goals. Post lesson notes are clear and detailed and provide a proper practice plan in-between formal lessons. Having studied with Bonnie for over a year, my playing has advanced considerably; and I would expect other committed students to have a similar experience.
🇬🇧 Jen M (mother and adult student), 9 January, 2023
I first started lessons with Bonnie many years ago, and most recently Bonnie has started to teach my 6 year old daughter. If you are reading this and are considering Bonnie as a teacher then you have found a gem; I whole heartedly recommend Bonnie. As a player I really look forward to my lessons, they are fun but structured and it amazes me how Bonnie can navigate me through pieces/bars that I initially thought would be impossible. More recently, I have also seen that Bonnie has extensive experience working with children; she manages to keep my daughter engaged whilst learning something incredibly complex. I love her enthusiasm and commitment to our progress. Bonnie clearly enjoys teaching, her energy is infectious; she keeps us both motivated and inspired in our practice. It is wondrous as both a player and a parent to see the progress we are both making. Bonnie is an incredible teacher.
🇬🇧 Susana D.A. (mother and adult student), 6 November, 2022
I remember well when I first met Bonnie - at her cosy apartment in Paris - when my son had his first lessons with her. He still needed the phone lists under his feet, as he sat at the piano! :-) Her deep confidence in him, her enthusiasm and rigour have conquered us right from that day. When we moved back to our country we continued to take lessons with Bonnie and even at a distance, we’ve always felt her warmth. My son kept evolving and improving and Bonnie has always been able to support him through several moments of his learning journey in piano. She intuitively understands when to push forward or to celebrate success, so that my son gets a breath of courage for the challenges that come ahead. I recently started learning how to play the piano with Bonnie - and I loving it! As an adult and a piano learner as well now, I understand the customised way Bonnie approaches her students’ weaknesses and strengths and that, along with her sensitivity and unquestionable talent, make her an unforgettable teacher.
🇫🇷 Isabelle N. (mère), 22 septembre, 2022
Notre fille Estelle, 17 ans, suit des cours avec Bonnie depuis l’âge de 10 ans ans et nous sommes ravis du niveau qu’elle a pu atteindre grâce aux leçons bien structurées, à la méthode rigoureuse, au professionnalisme, et aux précieux conseils de Bonnie. Aussi, au fil de ces années, leur relation s’est solidifiée et leur complicité s’est renforcée et je pense que cela joue un rôle primordial dans le maintient de la motivation de notre fille. Les cours ont été en présentiel pendant les quatre années où nous vivions à Paris, puis lorsque nous avons déménagé à l’étranger, Estelle a continué ses cours en visio et malgré nos craintes du départ, elle a pu continuer à s’améliorer. Aujourd’hui, chaque fois que nous passons par Paris (2-3 fois par an), notre fille fait quelques cours en présentiel avec Bonnie, ce qui permet de garder ce lien fort qui existe entre elles et qui participe grandement à l’évolution positive de la manière dont joue Estelle. L’impact que Bonnie a eu dans l’évolution de notre fille, que ce soit sur le plan musical ou personnel, est indéniable et nous lui serons éternellement reconnaissants.
🇬🇧 Priya S.S. (mother), 14 September, 2022
Picking the right music teacher for your child is the key for your child’s progress in an instrument. I grew up playing piano and enjoyed the instrument but what was lacking was the enthusiasm from my teacher to keep going. As my daughter turned the right age of 5, I knew that I had to find the right teacher to work together to make my daughter enjoy playing the piano. Bonnie Brown is this teacher !! There are many reasons why I wish I had her as MY very own teacher when I was younger …. Bonnie knows exactly what the child is feeling and going through as they grow and what they are capable of grasping which is the key to the child's success in playing the Piano. My daughter who is now 10 years old looks forward to her class with Bonnie to see what she has achieved in her practice. Bonnie works with the parents in help guiding the child to make sure the child is really enjoying the art of playing piano. She has encouraged my daughter through the years and has showed me what my child is able accomplish - which is a big reward for a parent. Bonnie through the years shows the child's progression through concerts and individual book completion concerts as well theory lessons. When I see my daughter play such wonderful songs I know this was with the help of Bonnie. Thankful to have her as our piano teacher! Priya S.S. New York, NY
🇫🇷 Renaud M. (père), 14 septembre, 2022
Notre fille de 7 ans a commencé ses premiers cours de piano il y a 2 ans via Zoom. Grâce à la pédagogie de Bonnie, elle a rapidement pris beaucoup de plaisir et a réalisé d'énormes progrès, tant sur la pratique que le solfège. Bonnie à parfaitement su créer une relation de confiance avec notre fille et nous, parents, permettant ainsi une collaboration efficace et le développement d'un terrain fertile pour l'apprentissage du piano.
🇬🇧 Evelyn C. (mother), 6 September, 2022
If it would be possible to dream up the ideal piano teacher that person would be Bonnie Brown. My daughter has taken piano lesson with Bonnie for almost a decade. She had lessons with Bonnie in person until we had to move and we continued online as I knew no one could match Bonnie passion, musicality, playing talent, intellectual and practical organization ! I cannot say enough - my daughter consistently scored in the high 90s on music theory exams, is playing challenging pieces and enjoying it. Bonnie has created such enthusiasm that my daughter is totally independent with Bonnie in arranging and handling her own lessons. I could write a book!
🇬🇧 Diana P. (mother), 28 August, 2022
Dear Bonnie, It has been a pleasure working with you to groom budding pianists. I remember how Darius’ first lesson started with his little hands struggling to play the notes. But now, he has blossomed into a confident pianist through your patient guidance. You always managed to nudge Darius gently back to refocus on his playing during his occasional distractions. When Dilon, the twin brother, also wanted to play the piano, you made the extra effort to ensure that no one would get demoralized by getting them to use different music books so that they won’t compare with each other. Each boy got their separate sense of achievement while learning at their own pace. It was a brilliant strategy. We are thankful to have switched to virtual lessons during the Covid-19 lockdown period in France and eventually continuing with the online mode in Singapore despite being thousands of miles away. This is only possible because you are an attentive teacher with a pair of sharp ears. Being a fair teacher with good intentions, the boys always know that you mean well when you gently admonish them to play better. Thank you for going the extra mile to create the conducive learning conditions for the kids. Regular in-house concerts and workshops have helped the kids develop their self-confidence and the ability to perform without any stage fright. Such meticulous acts are important to the kids’ appreciation of music. They help to make music an integral part of their life. Sincerely, Diana P.
🇬🇧 Yhaira G. (mother), 9 August, 2022
My two daughters have been taking lessons with Miss Bonnie for over 4 years. She is the most magical music teacher we have ever met. We feel fortunate to have found her as a teacher and as a friend. Bonnie has a special combination of skills that makes her an ideal piano teacher: she is passionate about music which translates into dedication. She is firm and therefore commands respect from the students and parents. She is compassionate and it shows in her care for her students. The prowess and command of presence my children have gained under her guidance is inmpressive. Bonnie is simply the best!
🇬🇧 Reid K. (father), 16 September, 2020
Bonnie is an outstanding piano instructor. She did an impressive job forming a strong foundation for my daughter to build on. Bonnie instilled confidence and a desire to learn piano for my daughter. It was awesome to see. She deeply cares about each and everyone of her students, children and adults alike.
🇫🇷 Valérie S. (mère), juillet 2017
Mon fils Noé Schajer, qui a 5 ans, prend des cours de piano avec Bonnie une fois par semaine. Il était totalement debutant, quand il a commencé et après moins de 3 mois de travail, il arrive à jouer tout seul des petits morceaux en lisant lui-même la partition. Bonnie est très patiente et arrive toujours à garder l'attention de Noé. Elle lui a donné le goût du piano en alliant travail et jeu. Grace à cela il est volontaire pour travailler tous les jours son piano pendant environ 10/15 minutes. Il prend un vrai plaisir à le faire et s' amuse à jouer ses anciens morceaux quand il a fini de travailler les nouveaux. Pendant les 30 min de cours Bonnie lui fait faire un peu de solfège écrit d'une façon ludique et amusante, ainsi que du solfège au piano (chanter les notes tout en jouant). De plus Bonnie encourage Noé à jouer les morceaux maitrisés par cœur quand il les connait bien. Mon mari qui a récemment écouté son fils jour était très impressionné par ses progrès en même pas 3 mois. Je suis au final très tres satisfaite des cours de Bonnie, pour sa pédagogie et sa patience.
🇬🇧 Merrilyn P. & George M. (parents), 9 September, 2015
To whom it may concern, We have been privileged to have Bonnie as our children's piano teacher for the past two years. Bonnie offers a rare blend of technical competence, artistic prowess and engaging teaching. She has motivated our daughters and developed their musical ability beyond expectation. Bonnie teaches with rigour yet kindness, forging a strong connection with her pupils. In tandem with the musical education she provides, Bonnie develops a host of invaluable life skills including self discipline, perseverance, attention to detail and time management. We would not hesitate to recommend her to any committed student. Merrilyn P. & George M.
🇬🇧 Rozanna D. (mother), 16 February, 2015
To whom it may concern, I have known Miss Bonnie Brown since she started giving piano lessons to my elder daughter (aged 5 years 9 months). A year later, Bonnie also started teaching my younger daughter (aged 4.5 years). I have often sat through my children's lessons and thus, am able to speak not only about the results that Bonnie has produced but also about her teaching methods. Bonnie is an excellent teacher. She is able to communicate complex musical ideas to very young children simply, clearly and without 'dumbing down'. I have often been amazed at how well rounded her lessons are technique, theory, music history, composers and their styles, Bonnie discusses these and more, as appropriate. I myself have taken piano lessons as a child for more than ten years and yet, have learnt so much during my children's lessons. Bonnie truly sees each child as an individual and this enables her to adapt her method and style as fitting. I have witnessed this first hand with how she tailors her program and her approach while teaching my two very different children, to bring out the best in each child. Not one to rest on her laurels, she is constantly evaluating if what she is doing is (still) working and she is quick to bring up any concerns with parents, so that changes can be made to keep progress on track. She marries her rich teaching expertise with patience and firmness, to help the child overcome setbacks when they arise. Crucially, she has noticed not only the children's music performance but has also brought up changes in behaviour, motivation or humour when necessary. Her dedication to her students goes beyond teaching them to learn the piano but also to learn respect for each other, dedication and how to strive to do their best. As a parent, I greatly appreciate Bonnie's organisational skills and the high level of professionalism she brings to her work. She runs her classes like a mini school, with regular emails to keep parents updated on schedules and activities. All communication is clear, thorough and timely. In addition, she is quick to respond to queries between lessons so that any doubts can be addressed without delay. There is no doubt that Bonnie's very rigorous and rich program of concerts, workshops and tests produce excellent musical results. However to me, it is her ability to do so joyfully, while inculcating a love of performance and true passion for the piano in the youngest of children, which really sets her apart. Bonnie Brown is indeed, a very special teacher whom any child would be lucky to have. I wholeheartedly recommend Bonnie Brown as an excellent piano teacher and in all her professional endeavours. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information. Yours faithfully, Rozanna D.
🇬🇧 Barbara Baylor PORTER (Director, The Bilingual Montessori School of Paris), 27 September, 2011
To Whom it May Concern: Re: Bonnie Brown We have had the pleasure of working with Bonnie Brown in our school since June 2009. Bonnie conducts classes of 30 children between the ages of two and six years. She is exacting in her presentation of written music, songs, rhythmic exercises, and keyboard work. She has the total attention of every student. The children learn to read music as is adapted from the "Music and the Brain" program. Bonnie works in English, and in French. The children learn to play the piano, enjoy the rhythmic exercises, and sing a number of international songs in several languages. The four and five year old children are comfortable to play several pieces on the piano. They have performed for their parents and teachers with great joy. Bonnie Brown is a dedicated and excellent teacher, with whom we have worked these last few years, and hope that she will be able to continue working in our school. Should you wish further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Barbara Baylor Porter Directress September 27, 2011
🇬🇧 Jo-Anne & Mark S. (parents), 11 May, 2008
To Whom It May Concern: Bonnie Brown has taught our daughter, Lauren Sibree (aged 1 1) classical piano and theory for approximately two and a half years. During that period Lauren has sat for 2 AMEB piano exams (Grades 3 & 4) and 2 AMEB theory exams (Grades 2 & 3). Lauren was well prepared by Bonnie for all exams and her results were a credit to her and Bonnie. Recently, Lauren has been awarded a music scholarship in respect of her secondary education at a private Girls School in Melbourne (Ruyton Girls' School). We have no doubt that her piano tuition has materially assisted in gaining that award. Before having Bonnie as a teacher, Lauren had had a number of other young adults as piano teachers. We have found Bonnie to be a very professional and dedicated teacher. Above all, Bonnie's obvious passion for music has been inspiring and extremely motivating. We have not experienced this level of passion and commitment with any of Lauren's other music teachers. Bonnie relates easily to both students and parents and has an open and welcoming manner. Whenever there were difficulties with meeting scheduled lesson times (caused by either Lauren's or Bonnie's other commitments), Bonnie had a very flexible approach and went out of her way to ensure that no lessons were missed. This again, has been rare in our experience and is a testament to Bonnie's commitment to her students. She is a particularly well-organized individual and handles not only her timetable effectively (as we have described) but also the "business" side of her tuitions practice well. Bonnie is committed to music performance and ensured that her students had the opportunity to perform on a regular basis, arranging concerts for her students every term. In addition, she encouraged students to attend performances by adult pianists to develop a wider appreciation of classical music. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time with Bonnie and believe it will be difficult to find her level of enthusiasm, warmth and commitment with Lauren's next teacher (whomever that may be). Bonnie will be a hard act to follow! Please do not hesitate to contact Mark or myself (Jo-Anne) if you should wish to discuss this reference any further. Yours faithfully, Jo-Anne and Mark S.
🇬🇧 Donald S. (father), 10 May, 2008
To Whom It May Concern Re: Bonnie Brown I have known Bonnie Brown for over four years, during which time she has taught both my children the piano. She was recommended to me by an accomplished musician who had worked with a major orchestra, as someone who was passionate about teaching children. That has proved true in full measure. Bonnie has many excellent qualities as a teacher. First and most obvious is her passion for fine music and particularly the repertoire written for the piano over several centuries, right up to the present day. She admires Messiaen as much as Mozart. Her enthusiasm for the music and its performance is constantly communicated to her students through conversation, but with a light touch. Her respect for the great tradition of Western music is very much in evidence. Bonnie's teaching is strongly informed by her own performing career (both as a soloist and as a chamber musician) and her continuing study with fine pianists. She is teacher and student at once, which allows her to understand well all the usual frustrations of a pupil, whether they be at an early or advanced stage of studying the piano. Because she has such good technique herself and is so aware of constantly improving it, she is able to coach her students to develop good habits from the very beginning. I have no doubt that Bonnie would provide wonderful master classes to more mature students and other professional musicians. In teaching students from early childhood well into the teenage years, she is both demanding and patient. This is just as it should be. She has high expectations of her students and asks them to work diligently to make the most of their musical talent. For those who have difficulty mastering a new scale or a particular piece despite considerable effort, she will work slowly and carefully to build up confidence. Those who haven't practised will receive a gentlg but firm rebuke, and then helpful explanations of why practice is important and how best to do it. Bonnie regards her students with genuine affection; the relationship is far more than transactional. Bonnie understands that performance is the essence of music and conveys that frequently to her students, through conversation and regular concerts organised for them. She is extremely thorough in preparing students for their performances. I have heard Bonnie perform in public on a number of occasions. Her musical career to date demonstrates that hers is a very considerable talent - one which demands development by some of the best pianists in the world. I hope she will be given the opportunity to pursue her study overseas. Donald S. (Chief of Staff to the Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne)
🇬🇧 Jerry D. (father), 9 May, 2008
BONNIE BROWN has been teaching our daughters Georgia (aged 10) and Holly (7) for approximately 3 years now. From scratch she has instilled in them what appears to us to be a considerable level of technical achievement along with and arguably even more importantly - a love of music and of playing the piano. Through an approach that blends enthusiasm with rigour, Bonnie has steered them through the Suzuki books, the necessary evil of scales, and on to position where they are looking to follow their own initiative in seeking out charts of material they know, or just sitting at the keyboard and improvising as the mood takes them. The emphasis on performance at the concerts at the end of each school term has not only been invaluable in terms of their piano playing, but has the added advantage of instilling in them an ease and confidence in social and public occasions that has helped them in other spheres. Only this week Georgia performed in her school recorder ensemble (twice including a local eisteddford) and her school orchestra with utmost composure, and even stepped in at the last minute as MC at a concert before an audience of a couple of hundred without the least hesitation. This would have been unthinkable before Bonnie got her hands on her. Holly has always been irrepressible but now has the discipline to channel her energies into her playing. Practice is part of the daily routine and, unlike school homework, a part that is embraced. For us it is just astonishing to see how both girls progress from one day to the next. We haven't had any other teacher with which to compare Bonnie, but have seen enough evidence of other children struggling to find enthusiasm to play or dropping out altogether to know that she is someone very special. That the girls can see, and be inspired by, their teacher performing at the highest level at ANAM is an added bonus. Jerry D. 9 May 2008
🇬🇧 Jenny V. (mother), 7 May, 2008
To whom it may concern, Bonnie Brown has taught my daughter, Meredith, piano for six years. Bonnie is a very enthusiastic and vibrant teacher who encourages enjoyment for learning and a desire to achieve. Bonnie teaches in a way that children respond well to with lots of examples of her own learning and practical experiences in playing the piano and as a performer. Bonnie encourages daily piano practice and as a result of this my daughter has gained a great appreciation of playing the piano and gets very excited about learning a new piece when she has mastered her previous piece. Meredith participates in a concert each term that is organised by Bonnie. This gives the children the opportunity to gain experience of playing in front of an audience. Children of all ages and stages participate, even if they only know the right or left hand of a piece or have only been learning for a short time as Bonnie feels the participation is the most important part, not the level of playing or how accomplished a child is. It is a pleasure to watch the children perform and see how their confidence grows each time they perform. These concerts are an important part of their learning and are all down to Bonnie's insight into how children learn. Bonnie also organises individual concerts for each child when they complete the book they are learning from. Meredith has performed at two of her own concerts so far and it is a wonderful thing to be part of, to watch your own child, first of all practice so hard all the pieces she has learned knowing she will be able to showcase them for family and friends, a great opportunity and a very good learning tool, and then to actually perform them all by herself. Bonnie really is an inspiring teacher and the lessons are always a pleasure. Yours sincerely. Jenny V.
🇬🇧 Frederica A. (mother), Workshops Participant, Musical Enrichment for 3-6 year olds, July 2017
Elena thoroughly enjoyed the summer music workshop and came home every day practicing what she had learned and singing to herself more often than usual. Bonnie is clearly a very effective teacher, teaching a wide variety of concepts relating to music while all the while keeping the concepts simple and age appropriate, through multiple activities which keep the children very engaged. I was impressed with how much the children learned in such a short time, the workshop was a great way for Elena to solidify many of the basics she had learned only marginally during the year through her piano classes. We look forward to other opportunities to work with Bonnie again in the future!
🇬🇧 Jayne M. (mother), Workshops Participant, Musical Enrichment for 3-6 year olds, July 2017
Our interest in Bonnie's workshop was to expose my music loving son to music in a more focused way, to see if it is something he would enjoy learning about as well as listening to. Theodore thoroughly enjoyed the week and seemed to learn a lot in the short time he was with Bonnie, from understanding musical terms and learning the names of basic symbols and notes, to clapping and singing musical rhythms read from a simple music sheet. He loved trying out various types of instruments, and talked a lot about the different styles of music he had listened to, danced to, and watched. A fun and educational week which we would definitely like to do again!
🇬🇧 Corinne T. (mother), Workshops Participant, Musical Enrichment for 3-6 year olds, July 2017
Alma was very keen to attend and enjoyed every minute. She told me she learned songs about frogs, princesses and horses and that mrs treble clef played high music. She also knows about lines, spaces and do, ré, mi. She said she watched a man singing in the microphone like this (beat box). She liked playing instruments and now wants a piano ;) Thanks again for a wonderful intro to music.
🇬🇧 Lillian G. (12 years old), 25 January, 2023
Miss Bonnie, my childhood piano teacher, with patience and guidance, helps me to reach my goals. With every lesson, my love for music grows stronger. Her teachings, now a part of me, will last forever. She had a way of making even the most difficult pieces seem easy. With her gentle touch, the keys came alive, and my fingers were free. In her presence, I found my passion, my purpose, my drive. Miss Bonnie, I will always be grateful for the role you played in my life.
🇬🇧 Imogen A. (16 years old), 8 November, 2022
I’ve been Bonnie’s student for nearly 10 years and am grateful to have such an amazing teacher. It is very difficult to find a teacher that is of the same caliber as Bonnie. She is a capable teacher, a great example of a talented pianist, and understands her students. I originally lived in Paris, then moved to the US. This meant that I had to transition from in person lessons to online ones, and also account for the time difference. I think most teachers would probably wish me the best and say goodbye, but instead, I got to be Bonnie’s first online student. While it was an adjustment, it’s been going well since we moved, and it just shows how incredibly adaptable Bonnie is in her teaching. Even before I was formally taking lessons from Bonnie I went to her workshops with other piano students. We would review theory and play duets. I found music to be really fun, since she knows how to teach in a way that is appealing to not just teenagers and adults, but also young children. She is understanding of student’s schedules while also being a very capable teacher. Since I am now older, and school has become more hours as well as more homework, Bonnie is understanding that some weeks I am not able to practice as much, however, she won’t let anyone get away with just being lazy. She is also able to explain both piano playing concepts as well as music theory concepts very well. She is a good example to learn from as a well known concert pianist. She has also prepared me for the ABRSM music theory tests grades 1 through 5, and is currently teaching me concepts for the AP Music Theory Exam. While books can often phrase a concept in a complicated way, Bonnie is always able to reexplain concepts in a way that is easy to grasp. In fact, thanks to her, I passed the ABRSM Music Theory tests graded 1-5 with a lowest score of 95/100 and a highest score of 99/100. She has also been extremely helpful in preparing me for the AP Music Theory Test, which is a first experience for both of us; and despite some terms and concepts having different names in American music theory, she is still skillful as ever in her teaching and communication of the knowledge needed to do well on the exam. All in all, I feel extremely grateful to have Bonnie as a teacher, and I think any student of hers is lucky to have found her. I think if anyone has a chance to be her student, they should snatch that opportunity. She will make it possible to enjoy playing the piano and strive to improve. Bonnie is simply an amazing teacher. - Imogen A. (16)
🇫🇷 Imogen A. (16 ans), 8 novembre, 2022
Ça fait presque 10 ans que suis élève de Bonnie et je suis très reconnaissante de ma chance d’avoir un professeur de niveau d’excellence de Bonnie. Elle est une enseignante compétente, un excellent exemple de pianiste douée et elle comprend bien ses élèves. Je suis née à Paris, ou j’ai vécu pendant la première partie de ma vie, puis plus tard, j'ai déménagé aux États-Unis. Cela signifiait que je devais passer des cours en personne aux cours en ligne, et également tenir compte du décalage horaire. Je pense que la plupart des enseignants me souhaiteraient probablement une bonne continuation, mais au lieu de ça, j’ai pu être la première élève en ligne de Bonnie. C’était un ajustement plutôt significatif, mais depuis que nous avons déménagé, ça fonctionne bien et cela montre à quel point Bonnie est incroyablement adaptable dans son enseignement. Même avant de prendre des cours avec Bonnie, je suis allée à ses ateliers avec d'autres étudiants en piano. Nous avons révisé la théorie musicale et on a joué en duos. J’ai beaucoup aimé jouer de la musique, car Bonnie sait enseigner d'une manière qui plaît non seulement aux adolescents et aux adultes, mais aussi aux jeunes enfants. Elle comprend que parfois des élèves ont parfois des horaires longues tout en étant une enseignante très compétente. Maintenant que je suis au lycée et que l'école a des heures plus longues et que j'ai plus de devoirs, Bonnie comprend que certaines semaines je ne suis pas capable de pratiquer le piano autant, mais, elle ne laissera personne s'en tirer en étant simplement paresseux. Elle est également capable d'expliquer très bien les concepts pratiques de piano plus facilement ainsi que les concepts de théorie musicale. Elle est un bon exemple à suivre en tant que pianiste concertiste bien connue. Elle m'a également préparé pour les tests de théorie musicale ABRSM des niveaux 1 à 5 et m'enseigne actuellement des concepts pour l'examen de théorie musicale AP (un test américain sur la théorie musicale de niveaux universitaire). Alors que les livres de théorie musicale peuvent souvent formuler un concept de manière compliquée, Bonnie est toujours capable de ré-expliquer les concepts d'une manière facile à saisir. En fait, grâce à elle, j'ai réussi les tests de théorie musicale ABRSM de niveaux 1 à 5 avec une note la plus basse de 95/100 et une note la plus élevée de 99/100. Elle m’aide énormément pour le test de théorie musicale AP, qui est une première expérience pour nous deux et malgré certains termes et concepts ont des noms différents dans la théorie musicale américaine, elle est toujours habile dans son enseignement et la communication des connaissances nécessaires pour bien réussir l'examen. Dans l'ensemble, je suis extrêmement reconnaissante d'avoir Bonnie comme enseignante, et je pense que tous ses élèves ont de la chance de l'avoir comme professeur. Je pense que si quelqu'un a l’opportunité d'être son élève, il devrait saisir cette opportunité. Elle permet de prendre plaisir à jouer du piano et de s'efforcer de s'améliorer. Bonnie est tout simplement une enseignante incroyable.
🇬🇧 Tess N-R. (17 years old), 20 September, 2022
I’ve been working with Bonnie for almost 10 years now, and I’ve loved every minute of it. It’s wonderful to have a musical break in my week that consists almost entirely of academic work, and it’s truly a joy working with her. She always pushes me to do my best, even when I find the pieces really difficult or lacking motivation.
🇫🇷 Tess N-R. (17 ans), 20 septembre, 2022
Avec Bonnie, c’est toujours un plaisir de m'asseoir au piano. Elle m’aide constamment à m’améliorer, et ses techniques d’apprentissages facilitent énormément le processus. Même en pratiquant pendant la semaine je me sens plus confiante. Je n’aurais pas pu demander une meilleure prof.
🇬🇧 Estelle N. (16 years old), 15 November, 2021
I have been playing the piano for a total of 10 years and have been Bonnie’s student for 6 of those years. Throughout this time, I have learnt so much related to piano techniques, theory, work ethic, commitment, and more. I am currently in the progress of learning my first Chopin étude (Étude Op. 10, No. 12 in C minor; Revolutionary Étude) and couldn’t have gotten this far if it hadn’t been for Bonnie who inspired me to keep playing this instrument. Because of her, the piano has become a passion of mine and a big part of my life. I feel that her love of teaching and the countless experiences she has had as a pianist have helped me improve myself as a piano player. Not only is Bonnie my teacher, but she is my role model; the person that I aspire to be like. Her motivation, perfectionism, empathy, and kindness are some of the qualities that she has that I have always admired. Where she currently is as a pianist is something that has impacted my perseverance in relation to this instrument. Being Bonnie’s student is something that I will always be grateful for because not only has she inspired and taught me to be a better pianist, but also to be a better person.
🇬🇧 Daniel M. (14 years old), 22 June, 2019
I started playing piano with Bonnie by my side and I could not imagine a better teacher. She was an easy teacher to schedule with and organize ourselves in order to have lessons. I was impressed by how selective she was at the beginning but after a while, I came to understand why it was like this. Bonnie only chooses the students she believes are truly passionate and dedicated because she wants to be able to teach them accordingly. Bonnie is the most passionate piano teacher in this world. She encouraged me to start from zero and she helped me learn so much about the piano that I would not have learned any other way. She helped me with my hand positioning, music theory for grade 1, and helped me learn new pieces to play. She was always in contact and showed tremendous amounts of interests towards me in every lesson, and in every message in which we communicated. I could truly see how much Bonnie cared. She helped me order the books that she knew would help me succeed. She helped me by grading my practice exams before the real deal. She was always very supportive of me whenever I was working. She always understood if one day I did not feel so good, and was always a very caring teacher Bonnie Brown is the perfect teacher with a combination of being strict when it is necessary being supportive, and helping all her students build a passion for the instrument she loves so much. Daniele Monte 14 years old. Paris, 22nd of june, 2019
🇬🇧 Thomas N. (16 years old), 4 July, 2017
Throughout the two years that I have shared with Bonnie, I have come to discover and understand many elements of both music theory and piano ranging from rythm writing to hand positioning on the piano. Bonnie Brown truly is a passionate teacher and shares that passion with her students. She is as much of an amazing teacher as she is a friend and has always encouraged me even through times when things such as school would completely exhaust me. She has even gone as far as arranging annual concerts in which we could perform in order to show the new lengths we were able to achieve all because of her guidance. She has always put our skills to the test and has helped us over come our limits, I honestly can't name any challenging piece that I haven't been able to play perfectly with her by my side helping, instructing and advising me. She truly is approachable person as she is down to earth and relaxed yet strict and demanding when needed to be. Never have I ever meet a teacher like Bonnie, someone who teaches the piano all while setting an example for her pupils. It would be no surprise to me if she is a role model of many. I full heatedly am able to say that I am very, very lucky to have had her a my piano teacher and will miss her greatly. THANK YOU BONNIE FOR EVERYTHING! Thomas NAGUNWA 16 years old Paris, 4th July 2017
🇬🇧 Ella H. (16 years old), 7 March, 2015
To Whom It May Concern: My name is Ella and I am sixteen years old. I am one of Bonnie's Music Theory students. My classes with Bonnie are individual lessons, which take place once a week for forty-five minutes. The setting of these lessons is very stress-free, yet rigorous and productive. Bonnie provides her students with a structured, personalized learning program every year, adapted to each student. I, personally, prepared for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Music Theory examination. In my first two years, I was lacking confidence in myself and in my work. Through my lessons, this deficiency was quickly made up for. Bonnie's teaching style prioritizes giving confidence to students, encouraging them, and pushing them to aim high. This style supports the students to improve quickly, gaining countless skills. These skills of course include musical ones, but what we also acquire is a new way of learning in which we gain confidence in ourselves, pushing what we expect of ourselves even higher, which requires hard work, but always leads to success. Personally, this is a way of learning that no other teacher has taught me and I apply it to my everyday life, including schoolwork. The effectiveness of Bonnie's teaching style has been reflected in my results (and all of her other students'): in my first three years with her, I passed my Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 exams with the ABRSM, all three of them with distinction. There are some people in this world who have such a strong love for something that when they speak about it, you, yourself, begin to love it. Bonnie is without a doubt one of those people: it is obvious that she truly loves what she does. Every week Bonnie has spoken passionately about music to me and taught me with zeal, sharing with me her love for music. By Grade 4, I was dying to start an instrument and to play. I have now been playing the flute for a year and a half. My flute teacher tells me that my progress is unusually quick. For me, there are two major reasons for which this is the case. Firstly, what Bonnie has taught me in terms of music is so very important, both in what I have learned and how much I have learned. The music theory that I had been studying for three years prior to my starting the flute has built a solid foundation for my musical education. Secondly, when you love something, you are eager to excel in it. My love for music that Bonnie has shared with me has sped up my progress incredibly because I have learned that practicing is not a nuisance when you love what you are doing, but rather enjoyment. At the end of the year, I passed my Grade 4 ABRSM Music Theory examination with distinction. This year I am in eleventh grade and I am preparing my Grade 5 Music Theory exam. I have one more year left until I graduate and go to university. The lessons I have learned from Bonnie are not only music-related ones that have brought much to my musical knowledge, but also life lessons that I will keep with me when I go on to university. Bonnie is genuinely a dedicated, enthusiastic teacher, who cares for what she does and for the people she teaches. Her classes, which she adapts in function of the individual, are very personal and different depending on the student, but several traits characterize all of her classes: passion and love for music, rigor and productivity in her teaching style, and finally encouraging students to gain confidence in themselves and pushing them to aim high. Don't hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss anything in this letter further. Yours sincerely, Ella H.